The PASIC show was amazing as usual this year! It’s always a great time to meet up with INDe family and industry friends. My general impression is that there were fewer vendors this year, but strong attendance. It seems like there were more small independent businesses this year, which is awesome!
Photos of our booth, then highlights from the rest of the show!

This snare was incredible- This is Aaron Latos who worked on the Engineering and Manufacturing of these limited 400th anniversary Zildjian drums. There are some very cool details and manufacturing processes involved in making these cast-bronze snare drums, and they sounded fantastic! The $4k price tag keeps it out of my reach, but very cool regardless!
New Custom options from Ludwig
Love the WTS system- stay tuned for some potential collabs!
Amazing stuff from Royal Cymbals!
I definitely should have taken more photos of Timothy Roberts Cymbals and Reverie- really great sounding cymbals!
Koide has some really unique sounds- they are pushing the limits on what cymbals can do- check them out!
The finish on this Yamaha Oak kit looked like a Strata!
Tama Booth
New DWe kit.