We had such an amazing experience at PASIC 2021! The world wide drum family was finally able to get back together for this year’s PASIC and it was quite successful. We always love being able to meet our fans as well as inform new-comers to INDe about our product line. We not only had a ton of hype over our INDe drums and hardware but also over the large variety of Turkish Cymbals we brought to the show. We couldn’t have asked for a better year at PASIC!
Below are some pictures of the Expo Hall as well as some great clinics we were able to attend from some of the most talented and well known drummers around.
Let’s start with some pictures of our INDe/Turkish Booth in the Expo Hall

Next, lets see some of the other booths around the Expo Hall

A very quick walkthrough of the ‘loud’ side of the PASIC 2021 Expo Hall
PASIC 2021 INDe Booth Time Lapse
A very quick walkthrough of the ‘quiet’ side of the PASIC 2021 Expo Hall
Finally, Here’s pictures of some of the great performers who have very educational clinics

We hope to see you at future events!